HOME  >  SEO PLUGIN > Specifications and usage of OGP data

Specifications and usage of OGP data

OGP data is data for automatically acquiring and displaying site names, article titles, thumbnail images, etc. when introducing articles to SNS .

Just install and activate the plug-in “FullSItePatterner-seo” and it will be automatically inserted without any other settings .

The program that generates and inserts ODG data is the php file below.

OGP data displayed on SNS etc.

Automatically inserted in the head of the top page and individual article page .

OGP data is inserted in the head of the page with the following code .

When OGP data is unnecessary

If you do not need OGP data, you can stop some functions of the plug-in “FullSItePatterner-seo” .

However, you need to modify the following php file in the plugin folder ” fullsite-patterner-seo ” folder from “Tools” – “Plugin File Editor” menu .

fullsite-patterer-seo.phpA configuration file that calls the following files in the folder .

shortcode.php, canonical.php, head-tag.php

schema-org.php, ogp.php 
Open this file with 
“Tools” – “Plugin File Editor”

to prevent unnecessary functions from loading the php file. 

add two slashes (//) at the beginning of the line .

Add two forward slashes (//) to the beginning of the following line in the php file (fullsite-patterner-seo.php) .

//	require_once FORESTCAFE_PATH . 'ogp.php';

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