HOME  >  SEO PLUGIN > Specifications and usage of structured data (schema.org)

Specifications and usage of structured data (schema.org)

Structured data is data that allows search engines, etc., to acquire and convey page information and the meaning of data within a page in a predetermined format .

Just by installing and activating the plug-in “FullSItePatterner-seo” , it will be inserted automatically without any special settings.

The program that generates and inserts structured data is the php file below.

schema-org.phpAutomatically insert 
structured data conforming to schema.org in head .

Breadcrumb structured data is inserted on the following page.

Insert on front page, single article page, archive page, static page.

Q&A structured data is 
automatically inserted when the category (slug) is set to 
“qanda” .

The title has been set as “Q” and the article content as “A”.

Structured data of the organization automatically inserts 
user information .

Author structured data automatically 
user information on single article pages .

An example of structured data inserted by ” FullSite-Patterner-seo ” is the following data.

Breadcrumb structured data

Breadcrumb structured data by ‘ FullSItePatterner-seo ‘.

Organization structured data

Organization structured data by ‘ FullSItePatterner-seo ‘.

Author structured data

Author structured data by ‘ FullSItePatterner-seo ‘.

When you don’t need structured data

If you do not need structured data, you can stop some functions of the plug-in “FullSItePatterner-seo” .

However, you need to modify the following php file in the plugin folder “fullsite-patterner-seo” folder from “Tools” – “Plugin File Editor” menu.

fullsite-patterer-seo.phpA configuration file that calls the following files in the folder .

shortcode.php, canonical.php, head-tag.php

schema-org.php, ogp.php 
Open this file with 
“Tools” – “Plugin File Editor” to

prevent unnecessary functions from loading the php file. , 
add two slashes (//) at the beginning of the line .

Add two forward slashes (//) to the beginning of the following line in the php file .

//	require_once FORESTCAFE_PATH . 'schema-org.php';