HOME  >  INSTALL > How to install the theme “FullSite-Patterner”

How to install the theme “FullSite-Patterner”

Download the theme “FullSite-Patterner”

” FullSite-Patterner ” has passed the theme check by plug-in theme check in order to apply for WordPress official theme registration.

The download file for ” FullSite-Patterner ” is ” fullsite-patterner-v1.zip ” for uploading from the WordPress management screen .

We are preparing to register on the WordPress official theme site, but currently it can be downloaded from the download page of this site and the affiliated online shop.

Free theme FullSite-Patterner basic-trial

You can freely download and use the free theme ” FullSite-Patterner “.

Free theme FullSite-Patterner basic-trial

You can freely download and use the free theme ” FullSite-Patterner “.

Paid theme FullSite-Patterner

Paid theme ” FullSite-Patterner ” is available for download.

All download files are zip files .

download file

In addition to the main theme, the following files are provided as download files.

free themespaid theme
theme filefullsite-patterner.zip (Limited version)fullsite-patterner.zip (full version)
Attached pluginfullsite-patterner-seo.zip (Limited version)fullsite-patterner-seo.zip (full version)
sample dataSample site data (usage explanation site) xmlSample site data (usage explanation site) xml
download notification通知Support information such as upgrade URLSupport information such as upgrade URL

File structure of theme folder

The download file also contains the following files:

    Sample images used in block patterns and template parts.
   fontsBootstrap icons folder
    Bootstrap icons fonts
functionsTheme function executable file called from functions.php.
     headstyle.phpStyle specification file to overwrite style.css. Read in head of webpage.
Specify the style from “Appearance” – Widgets.
     blockpattern.phpA function that allows you to register a 
theme-specific block pattern.
     widget.phpA feature that allows you to register custom block patterns.

User-defined block patterns can be registered from “Appearance” – Widgets.
    Translation files for theme internationalization.
    Store template parts.
    Stores theme-specific block patterns and user-defined block patterns.
     front-page.htmlTemplate for the top page of the site.
     single.htmlTemplate for Individual articles .
     index.htmlTemplate for Category page, etc.
     page.htmlStatic page template.
     search.htmlTemplate for Search results page .
     404.htmlTemplate for 404 page .

Update checker plugin for paid theme.
functions.phpCalling files from the functions folder. 
Load css and Java script in head of webpage. 
Partial change of WordPress default functions such as article summary character count, block style. 
theme.jsonSetting of the original color palette, basic style of the theme
style.cssTheme-specific style, and block pattern style.
bootstrap.min.cssGrid, Navigation, Carousel only (Bootstrap v3.3.6).
navigation-style.cssColor specification of theme-specific navigation menu (header-navbar) .
j-query.min.jsFor Bootstrap v3.3.6.
bootstrap.min.jpFor Bootstrap v3.3.6.
screenshot.pngScreenshot image of the theme.
readme.txtread me text.

FullSite-Patterner is a set with the following plug-ins.


How to install by FTP

Use FTP software to access your server, and upload the unzipped “fullsite-patterner” folder (see table above) directly into the theme directory folder.

Enable FullSite-Patterner from the following “Appearance” – “Theme” management screen .

How to install from the WordPress management screen

From the WordPress administration screen , select “Appearance” – “Theme” menu .

Click ” Add New ” at the top of the screen.

Click “ Upload Theme ” as shown below .

Or click ” Add New Theme ” as shown below .

File selection is displayed, so select the downloaded ” fullsite-patterner.zip ” (free version or paid full function version) and upload it.

Click the ” Install Now ” button to start the installation.

To use the installed theme, click ” Activate ” on the screen below.

Or from the list of installed themes, click Activate .

This completes the theme installation.


When you try to display the site as a test, the sample site is displayed as shown below according to the default template.

The initial setting is a template set of “1 column, with frame, with background image” (1column-frame-backimg) .

However, it is not displayed until you set the site logo, and the navigation part is partially hidden in the menu bar for logged-in users.

Site logo settings

To set the site logo, first prepare a logo image.

Although there is no set size, it is generally recommended that the width is within 500 pixels and the height is within 200 pixels .

To set the site logo, open “Appearance” – “Editor” .
There is a logo space with slanted lines at the position where the logo is inserted (upper left of the page), so click here to upload the logo image.

Below is the image selection screen for uploading.

Clicking the ” Choose File ” button will take you to a screen where you can upload a file or select one from your media library.

“Appearance” – “Editor” Click the ” Save ” button at the top right of the screen to update the template and complete the logo setting.

When I tried to display the site, the logo was inserted and displayed.

Navigation menu settings

The navigation menu on the right is from the sample site. On
the editor screen , you can change the design by correcting and adding text and link destinations , and by adding and changing blocks .

Note that the header (header-navbar), which includes theme-specific navigation, has a complicated html nesting structure, so you cannot change the font color and background color without changing the css.
We have prepared navigation-style.css so that you can change it without directly messing with style.css.

Customize templates and template parts

Editing in the block theme editor can be time consuming if you are not used to it, and you tend to make mistakes when saving templates and template parts.

In addition to learning how to use block themes in general, we also provide notes on this site.
We recommend playing around with the free theme until you get used to it.

In addition, ” FullSite-Patterner ” provides a default set of templates, a large number of full-page templates, headers, footers, and block patterns for other parts.

Even if you customize and change the template or template parts, you can restore it from the block pattern at any time.

Settings for site information, user information, permalinks, etc.

From the “Settings” menu, set site information, user information, display settings, permalinks, etc.

Site names and permalinks are especially important from an SEO point of view.

The plugin ” FullSite-Patterner-seo ” also generates breadcrumbs, meta tags, etc. from this information.

Category names are especially preferred to be included in URLs.

Initial WordPress settings

Set category and URL (slug) .

Set permalink .

Set the site title, logo, site name, tagline, etc.

Rewrite menu images, navigation, etc. according to your own site.

Block Theme’s full site editing features allow for customization of your site.

How to use

Get started with WordPress block themes