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Describe the tag in the head (set from Appearance – Widget)

In the block theme, unlike the classic theme, the template is not a php file, and the template in the html file has no code in the head.

Since the code in the head is generated by the WordPress system, it is possible to add code in the head using functions.php or plugins.

However, it is difficult to write and operate these files, and there is a risk of failure.

In ” FullSite-Patterner “, the menu for inserting code such as script tag, search engine access analysis, etc. in the head is prepared as follows.

Go to “Appearance” – “Widgets” , insert the “Custom HTML” block in the ” head tag ” item , and paste the code there

In addition to code such as script tags and search engine access analysis, you can also write css styles .

Codes such as tags specified in the widget are inserted in “functions/head-style.php” in the theme folder and inserted in the head of the page.

View the site in your browser and check the page source to see if it was inserted successfully.