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  • New Enrollment Form

    • Personal information sent from this new enrollment form will be carefully protected.

    • Customer information will be used only to provide better service to our customers, and for no other purpose. For more details, please see under "Privacy Policy."

    • *Denotes required items. Please fill in completely.

    • Please use alphanumeric characters for numbers.

    *E-mail Address
    *E-mail Address (for verification)
    *Password (for confirmation)
    *Full NameGiven NameFamily Name
    Address Line1 Street address
    Address Line2 Apartment, building, etc.
    Phone Number
    Fax Number
    User registration when purchasing download content
    When users purchase downloadable content such as WordPress themes and plug-ins provided by this site, we ask that users register using your own email address.

    Support for version upgrades, etc.

    Downloadable contents such as WordPress themes and plug-ins provided by this site are guaranteed to be upgraded free of charge for a certain period of time after purchase.

    Restriction on free version upgrade of paid theme “FullSite-Patterner-pro”
    In the case of major version upgrades (1.*.* > 2.0.0), free version upgrades may not be performed except for critical fixes such as security.
    Major version upgrades are planned for major revisions such as WordPress or Bootstrap major version upgrades.

    End of support for older versions
    Also, after two major version upgrades (1.*.* > 3.0.0), version upgrades and other support will end, so please use the latest paid theme.

    How to notify of version upgrade
    In order to receive free version upgrades, in addition to being notified on the dashboard when using a theme in WordPress, information such as the download page, etc., sent by e-mail to the e-mail address at the time of purchase may be required.

    When using WordPress themes, plugins, etc. to create a third-party site
    If the user purchases downloadable content such as WordPress themes and plug-ins provided by this site in order to create a third-party website, the downloadable content must be purchased separately from the user. there is.
    In this case, the user will be required to re-register as a user when purchasing Downloadable Content by purchasing on behalf of a third party or by having the third party make the purchase.
    However, in order to upgrade the version of download content, etc., we do not recommend proxy purchases, and we recommend that you purchase and register as a user using the third party name and email address of the third party.