This site ( is operated by Kanehara Trademark Registration Office (Representative: Masamichi Kanehara).
In addition to the following terms and conditions, the person in charge of this site will not disclose personal information or confidential information to third parties without consent, and will not disclose personal information or confidential information to third parties for purposes other than viewing and managing access records for monitoring unauthorized access. No use is made.
Personal information means name, postal code, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and other information that can identify a specific individual.
Purpose and scope of use of personal information
Personal information lawfully obtained from users in connection with the operation of this site may be used for the following purposes.
・Responding to inquiries from users to the operator of this site
・Support services related to content provided by this site, download content, etc.
・Guidance and emergency contact regarding services provided by this site
・Other purposes incidental to the above purpose of use
・Provision of personal information to third parties for the following purposes only
・When based on laws and regulations or international treaties
・When it is necessary to protect a person’s life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
・When disclosing due to business succession of this site
This site contains pages that use a technology called “cookies”.
A cookie is a small amount of data that is sent from the server of this site to the browser of the client’s computer, and enables efficient use of this site by identifying the computer of the client.
This site records information such as the provider, IP address, type of browser, date and time of access, etc., in the form of an access log.
It does not generally contain personally identifiable information for uses permitted by law. These access logs can be used for website maintenance management and usage monitoring, and will not be used for any other purpose.
Changes to privacy policy
While complying with Japanese laws and regulations, international treaties, and other social norms that apply to personal information, this agreement will be reviewed as appropriate in response to changes in the services provided on this site, and efforts will be made to improve it.
The changed privacy policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on this site.